Kim Jong Un praised North Korea at year-end get-together: ‘We left a great trace…’


Kim Jong Un praised the North Korean leader’s success and triumph in 2023 as he untied a key political conference to set the latest policy goals for 2024.

 In his opening-day communication at the conference, Kim Jong Un defined 2023 “as a time of immense turn and enormous change both in name and authenticity, in which North Korea left a huge trace in the splendid course of progress in the efforts to advance the national power and increase the regard of the country,” according to the Official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA).

next to this, KCNA reported that North Korea accomplished a rapid development in its defense ability this year- its first Military Spy Satellite in November and other refined weapons. As per KCNA, North Korea reported an exceptionally good yield this year owing to innovative irrigation methods.

Hong Min, a forecaster at Seoul’s Korea Institute for National Unification, said that North Korea evaded public details of this year’s financial projects at the conference.

 This conference is also critical as South Korea’s National Intelligence Service asserts that North Korea’s economy shrivel each year from 2020 to 2022. Its Gross Domestic Product last year was 12%, less than in 2016.

North Korea’s Security Success This Year

Last week, North Korea test-fired its most Superior International Ballistic Rocket, the Solid-Fueled Hwasong-18- third of its category this year. On November 21, North Korea places its first Military Detective Satellite into the track.

South Korean Defense Minister Shin Wonsik said that North Korea emerged to be speeding up its armaments testing actions to emphasize its accomplishment in the security segment.

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